11.6. ..  3   Hamburg

Dear Eike,
     I saw some of your postings regarding the Bock family in Germany.  I am new into genealogy research, am trying to assist my father, and we have met a roadblock regarding the Bock family.
    The information we have suggests that my gggrandfather came to New Holstein, WI in the late 1860s - from there it appears he married a Doris Piper(Pieper) or possibly returned to Germany and married her there.  We have found Carl Bock (my gggrandfather), Doris Bock and Herm Bock returning to the US in 1875.  They were the parents of three other sons, Arthur, Carl Jr, and Hary(Harry) (my ggrandfather).  The immigration records list Hamburg as Carl Bock's place of birth.  Herm (Herman, Hermann) was also born in Germany from the information we have found.  I am reaching out for any information you may have regarding this family. 
    Carl Bock was born around 1848/1849 and Herman Bock was born around 1874. 
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Thank You, so much, for your time and consideration.
Thank You,
Vicki (Bock) Scott

Carl Bock was born around 1848/1849             ggggrandfather came to New Holstein, WI in the late 1860s -
 born in Hamburg

 - son Herman Bock was born around 1874.     gggrandfather
        he married a Doris Piper(Pieper) or possibly returned to Germany and married her there.

-- They were the parents of three other sons, Arthur, Carl Jr, and Hary(Harry) (my ggrandfather).

---   ......   ......... grandfather

---- ....... .......  father

----- Vicki Scott born Bock



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